Partners and colleagues! Our company is extremely grateful to you for the highest interest shown to our novelty in the market of industrial furnace services in Russia and the CIS countries – the joint venture DIckinson-Mosintrast. (founded in conjunction with Dickinson Group LTD., a company with more than 100 years of experience in this field in South Africa and the leading countries of Asia/Europe).
We would also like to thank the following companies whose interest in us we considered to be the most valuable:
LLP "Kaspy Construction", LLC "RUS Insertec", Calderys. PNTZ, OOO Başkent pipe plant". AO OOO "Promtractor, , ATEF (from Baku), Em-katkocin tractor plants (JSC Cheboksary aggregate works), KraMZ. Zenith, asphalt-concrete plant (Moscow region), OOO "GK READER", JSC "Litaform", Asia metal prof, OOO UK, TD "Mash-URAL", VMZ, Cryogenmash-gas (Saint Petersburg). Izhora factory, Transmashholding, Kolomensky Zavod, ARKLEY, Ferrotrade, LLC "Gas Alliance", Kazzincmash, LMZ, OOO, GAZ-Alyans, OOO chipboard, Wolfram company.
Welcome to visit! And for dessert, a video interview with Deputy General Director Kulbatsky AP: